Sphingidae of Paraguay

Xylophanes tersa Paraguay (widespread), courtesy of Ulf Drechsel.

Although I believe these "tribal" checklists contain only species within Paraguay, I fully expect there are many omissions. If you have corrections to offer, please contact
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com.

I am most thankful to Jean Haxaire for sending me an electronic copy of Faune de Bolivie, Lépidoptères Sphingidae, Ecologie et systématique.

I have used Haxaire's list as a starting point, but have only included those species, from the list, generally recognized as flying in Argentina.

I have added those species whose specimen type locality is Argentina.

In September 2007, Paul Smith directed me to the site, Fauna Paraguay where a provisional checklist has been created, using Moré, Kitching & Cocucci - Sphingidae: Hawkmoths of Argentina; http://www.pybio.org/MACROGLOSSINAE.htm (Paraguay) and http://www.pybio.org/SPHINGINAE.htm (Paraguay); and this site: Oehlke - Hawkmoths of the Americas.

I have delisted the species not indicated by Paul Smith, and I have followed additions from Paul's list with his initials.

Andres Oscar Contreras (AOC) has sent me many additions from Neembucu.


Agrius cingulatus
Amphimoea walkeri
Cocytius antaeus PS
Cocytius duponchel PS
Cocytius lucifer PS
Cocytius mephisto PS
Manduca albiplaga
Manduca armatipes
Manduca contracta PS
Ma. corumbensis PS
M. diffissa diffissa
M. diffisa mesosa
M. diffisa petuniae
M. diff. tropicalis IK
M. diffissa zischkai
M. florestan AOC
Manduca fosteri PS
Manduca hannibal PS
Manduca incisa PS
Manduca lefeburii PS
Manduca lichenea
Manduca lucetius
Manduca manducoides
Manduca rustica PS
Manduca scutata PS
M. sexta paphus
M. sexta saliensis
M. tucumana AOC
Manduca undata PS
Neococytius cluentius
Neo. carrerasi AOC
Neogene curitiba PS
Neogene dynaeus PS
Neogene intermedia PS
Neogene pictus
Neogene reevei


Adhemarius daphne PS
Adhem. eurysthenes UD
Ad. gannascus AOC
Ad. palmeri PS
Or. lyc. eos AOC
Prot. astygonus PS
Prot. s. strigilis


Aellopos clavipes AOC
Aellopos fadus
A. tantalus tantalus
Aellopos titan AOC
Aleu. chloroptera PS
Aleuron iphis PS
Aleuron neglectum PS
Callion. falcifera PS
C. gri. grisescens AOC
Callionima inuus AOC
Callionima nomius PS
Callionima parce PS
Enyo gorgon PS
Enyo japix PS
Enyo l. lugubris AOC
Enyo ocypete PS
Enyo t. australis PS
Erinnyis alope
Erinnyis crameri AOC
Erin. domingonis AOC
Erinnyis ello AOC
Erinnyis lassauxi
Erinnyis obscura PS
Erinnyis oenotrus AOC
Eupyrrho. sagra PS
Hemer. longistriga PS
H. triptolemus
Isognathus caricae PS
Isognathus leachii PS
Isognathus allamande
Madoryx bubastus PS
Madoryx oiclus PS
Madoryx plutonius PS
Nyceryx a. ixion PS
Nyceryx continua PS
Nyceryx furtadoi PS
Nyceryx nictitans PS
Nyceryx riscus PS
Nyceryx stuarti PS
Pachylia ficus
Pachylia syces syces
Pachy. resumens AOC
Perigonia ilus PS
Perigonia pallida PS
Perigonia passerina
Phryxus caicus AOC
Pseudosphinx tetrio


Eumorpha adamsi
Eumorpha analis AOC
E. anchemolus
E. fasciata AOC
E. labruscae PS
Eumorpha satellitia PS
Eumorpha vitis PS


H. euphorbiarum PS
Xylophanes anubus
X. ceratomioides
X. chiron nechus
X. depuiseti PS
X. elara PS
X. fosteri PS
X. isaon PS
X. kaempferi PS
X. libya PS
X. loelia PS
X. marginalis PS
X. pistacina PS
Xylophanes pluto
X. porcus PS
Xylophanes tersa tersa
X. thyelia PS
X. titana PS
X. tyndarus PS

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