Sphingidae of Colombia

Tentative Checklist

Protambulyx euryalus, Valle de Cauca, Colombia,
June 26, 2003, elevation 2100m, courtesy of Peter Hoell.

Although I believe these checklists contain only species within Colombia, I fully expect there are omissions. I have assembled this list from what I feel are valid checklists for Venezuela (v), Ecuador (e), Panama (p) and Costa Rica (cr) and have included species common to any two of those countries.

I have also added species confirmed from northwestern Brazil (br) near the border with Colombia: Querari in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, Brazil, even if they were only reported in Brazil.

Those species followed by ?? are confirmed from only one of the above listed countries and may or may not be in Colombia.

I am probably missing many endemics from Colombia, but will work on including them during the month of June (2010). Species confirmed for Colombia are followed by (C).

If you have corrections to offer, please contact
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com.

Many thanks to Rodrigo Torres Núñez who has begun (July 2010) to send me digital images from the region of Sumapaz, near Bogotá.
His confirmations are indicated by *.

Many thanks also to Greg Nielsen who has begun (February 6, 2011) to send me images and complete data. I am confirming his sightings with GN.

Hemeroplanes triptolemus, Km 13 via Acacias, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, 500m,
04°03’55.0 N 073°41’87.0 W, January 19, 2011, lfw=38mm, courtesy of Gregory Nielsen.

Many thanks also to Joakim Johansson (JJ) who has been sending images and data from Colombia.

Many thanks also to Humberto Calero Mejia who has sent recto and verso images of Pachylia syces from Cali, Valle del Cauca. He has also provided images from Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, Isla Gorgona, Cauca, Colombia. Isla Gorgona is about 35 kilometers west of the pacific Coast of Colombia. These images are part of a project called Evaluación del estado actual de los objetos de conservación faunísticos en Isla Gorgona: una aproximación holística a la valoración ecológica de Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona: E phorbas: June 3 2011; E. anchemolus: May 27 2011; A. walkeri: June 1 2011; A. duponchel: May 31 2011.

Additional images sent are recto and verso for Callionima pan 28 May 2011; Callionima nomius 3 June 2011; Xylophanes chiron nechus 5 June 2011; Aellopos titan 31 May 2011.


Ag. cingulatus vep*
Am. walkeri HCM
Coc. antaeus br
C. beelzebuth vebr
C. duponchel HCM
C. lucifer vepbr
C. macasensis e??
C. mortuorum ebr
Eu.. albostigmata C
Euryglottis aper ve
Eu. davidianus e??
Eu. dognini ve
M. albiplaga vepbr
Lintneria merops GN
Manduca andicola e??
Manduca composi e??
Man. da. dalica vebr
M. di. tropicalis v??
Man. extrema ve
M. florestan vepbr
Man. hannibal ve
Man. huascara JH
M. lanuginosa ve
Man. lefeburei ve
Man. leucospila ve
Man. lucetius br
Man. mossi e??
Man. neglecta e??
Man. ochus ve
Man. pellenia br
Man.a rustica vepbr
Man. schausi wo?
Man. scutata ve
Man. sexta paphus br
Man. s. sexta ??
Man. trimacula ve
Man. vestalis vebr
Neo. cluentius GN*


Adhemar. daphne ?
Adh. dentoni e??
A. gannascus vepbr
Adh. germanus* posssibly same as gannascus br
Adh. palmeri vepbr
Adh. sexoculatus ve
A. tigrina coronata C
A. tigrina tigrina JJ
Adh. ypsilon vebr
O. venedictoffae cre
Prot. euryalus ph
Prot. eurycles epbr
Prot. goeldii ep
Prot. s. strigilis GN *


Aellopos ceculus C
Aellopos clavipes ve
Aellopos fadus ve
A. tantalus tantalus ??
Aellopos titan GN
Aleuron carinata ve
Al. chloroptera vebr
Aleuron iphis vebr
Al. neglectum vebr
Cal. calliomenae vep
Cal. denticulata ve
Cal. inuus vepbr
Cal. nomius HCM
Callionima pan HCM
Cal. p. parce vep
Enyo bathus ??
Enyo cavifer C
Enyo gorgon vebr
Enyo lugubris vepbr
Enyo ocypete GN
Enyo taedium vep
Erinnyis alope GN
Erinnyis crameri GN *
Erin. domingonis vp
Erinnyis ello GN *
Erinnyis impunctata vp
Erinnyis lassauxi vep*
Erin. obscura GN
Erin. oenotrus GN *
E. venustum br
Eupyrr. corvus ve
Eupyrr. sagra vep
Hemerop. diffusa C
H. longistriga ??
Hemerop. ornatus vep
H. triptolemus GN
Isog. allamande br
Isog. c. caricae vp
Isog. excelsior br
Isog. leachi vepbr
Isog. occidentalis br
I. r. rimosa br
Isog. scyron GN
Isog. swainsoni vebr
Mad. b. bubastus vep
Madoryx o. oiclus vep
M. p. plutonius vepbr
Nyceryx coffeae vep
Nyceryx ericea vep
Nyceryx hyposticta ve
Nyceryx lunaris e
Nyceryx magma ??
Nyceryx maxwelli ve
N. n. nictitans ??
Nyceryx riscus vep
Nyceryx stuarti vepbr
Nyceryx tacita vep
Oryba achemenides ve
Oryba kadeni ve
Pachy. caliginosa GN
Pachy. drucei ep
Pachy. hopfferi ep
Pachy. martini ep
Pachy. odile e??
Pachygonidia ribbei ep
Pachy. subhamata vep
Pachylia darceta vebr
Pachylia ficus GN
Pachylia s. syces HCM
Pac. resumens GN *
Perigonia ilus vep
Perigonia lusca GN
Perigonia stulta vep
Phryxus caicus GN
Pseudo. tetrio GN *
Stolid. tachasara vp
Unzela j. japix vebr
Unzela p. pronoë vebr


Eumorpha adamsi ve
E. anchemolus HCM*
E. capronnieri vepbr
Eumorpha cissi JJ
Eumorpha drucei e??
E. megaeacus ??
E. fasciatus vepbr*
E. labruscae GN
E. macasensis e??
E. obliqua vep
Eum. phorbas HCM
E. satellitia ep
E. s. licaon v??
Eum. triangulum vep
Eumorpha vitis vepbr


Hyles lineata vep
Xylophanes acrus p
X. amadis amadis br
Xyl. anubus vepbr
X. aristor ve
X. chiron nechus HCM
X. ceratomioides vep
X. chiron chiron ??
X. columbiana C
Xylophanes cosmius e
Xyl. crotonis vep
X. cyrene p
Xylophanes docilis e
Xyl. fernandezi v?
Xyl. fusimacula vebr
X. guianensis vepbr
Xyl. letiranti JH??
Xylophanes libya ve
Xyl. loelia GN
Xyl. macasensis e
X. mac. maculator vep
X. maculator wolfi e
Xylophanes media ve
Xyl. mirabilis C
Xyl. neoptolemus vp
Xyl. pistacina vepbr
Xyl. pluto vepbr
X. p. continent. GN
Xyl. pyrrhus ve
Xylophanes resta vp
Xyl. rhodochlora ??*
Xyl. rothschildi Ce
X, rufescens vbr
Xyl. schwartzi e
Xyl. tersa GN
Xyl. thyelia vepbr
Xylophanes titana vep
Xyl. turbata vp
Xyl. tyndarus vep
Xyl. undata br
Xyl. xylobotes ??

The following species are recorded in Venezuela, but not recorded in Ecuador. They might be present in eastern Colombia:
Cocytius antaeus
Euryglottis johannes
M. corallina
M. d. tropicalis vp
Manduca dilucida
Manduca empusa
Manduca fosteri
M. franciscae
Manduca lichenea
Manduca perplexa
M. s. paphus vp
P. sulphurea
Baniwa yavitensis ??
Callionima falcifera
Eupyrrhoglossum venustum
Isognathus allamandae
Isognathus excelsior
I. menechus
I. mossi fabiane ?
I. rimosa papayae
Isognathus tepuyensis
Kloneus babayaga
Perigonia pallida
Perigonia pittieri
X. alvarezsierrai
X. a. amadis
X. amadis meridanus
Xylophanes aristor
Xylophanes brevis
Xylophanes clarki ??
Xylophanes elara
X. fernandezi
X. germen yurakano
X. haxairei
X. p. porcus
Xylophanes resta
Xylophanes rufescens
Xylophanes sarae
Xylophanes schausi
X. tersa chaconi

The following species are listed from Panama and might be in northern Colombia:
C. antaeus medor
Manduca lichenea
Adhemarius tigrina

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This page is brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS. Pages are on space rented from Bizland. If you would like to become a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site", contact Bill.

Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.

Visit Sphingini: Manduca
Visit Sphingini: Agrius, Amphimoea, Cocytius, Euryglottis, Lintneria, Sphinx
Visit Smerinthini: Adhemarius, Orecta and Protambulyx
Visit Dilophonotini: Aleuron, Enyo, Pachygonidia and Unzela
Visit Dilophonotini: Aellopos, Eupyrrhoglossum, Nyceryx, Perigonia and Stolidoptera
Visit Dilophonotini: Callionima, Erinnyis, Hemeroplanes, Isognathus, Madoryx, Oryba, Pachylia, Pachylioides, Phryxus and Pseudosphinx
Visit Philampelini: Eumorpha
Visit Macroglossini: Hyles and Xylophanes