Updated as per James P. Tuttle's The Hawk Moths of North America, July 2008

The Sphingidae of Maine

Cressonia juglandis = Amorpha juglandis male courtesy of Lynn Scott.

Click on one of the Scientific names to see images and access information about individual Maine Sphingidae. N.B., the files are not linked back to this page. To return to this index, simply use your browser back button.

Please help me improve this site by sending sighting data (species; location [county]; date) to Bill Oehlke. Images are also greatly appreciated and will be used and credited (with permission) on county pages. I will attempt to identify any Sphingidae larvae or adults that are unknown to you.

There is a hypertext index with common names at the bottom of this page.

Sphinginae subfamily

Sphingini tribe:

Agrius cingulata stray
Ceratomia amyntor T
Ceratomia catalpae stray
Ceratomia undulosa T
Dolba hyloeus S 2/3
Lapara bombycoides T
Lapara coniferarum stray
Lintneria eremitus S 2/3
Manduca quinquemaculatus SH wwwwwwwwwwwww
Manduca rustica stray
Sphinx canadensis T
Sphinx chersis T
Sphinx drupiferarum T
Sphinx kalmiae T
Sphinx luscitiosa T
Sphinx poecila T

Smerinthini Tribe:

Amorpha juglandis T
Pachysphinx modesta T
Paonias astylus SE
Paonias excaecata T
Paonias myops T
Smerinthus jamaicensis T
Smerinthus cerisyi T

Macroglossinae subfamily

Dilophonotini tribe:mm

Aellopos titan stray
Hemaris thysbe T
Hemaris gracilis T
Hemaris diffinis T

Philampelini tribe:mm

Eumorpha achemon XS
Eumorpha labruscae stray
Eumorpha pandorus SW

Macroglossini tribe:

Amphion floridensis T
Darapsa choerilus T
Darapsa myron SH
Darapsa versicolor SH
Deidamia inscriptum SW
Hyles gallii T
Hyles lineata XS
Proserp. flavofasciata T
Sphecodina abbottii SW

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Agrius cingulata stray
Ceratomia amyntor
Ceratomia catalpae
Ceratomia undulosa
Dolba hyloeus
Lapara bombycoides
Lapara coniferarum
Manduca quinquemaculataw
Manduca rustica
Sphinx canadensis
Sphinx chersis
Sphinx drupiferarum
Sphinx eremitus
Sphinx kalmiae
Sphinx luscitiosa
Sphinx poecila

Amorpha juglandis
Pachysphinx modesta
Paonias astylus
Paonias excaecata
Paonias myops
Smerinthus jamaicensis
Smerinthus cerisyi

Aellopos titan stray
Hemaris thysbe
Hemaris gracilis
Hemaris diffinis

Eumorpha achemon
Eumorpha labruscae
Eumorpha pandorus

Amphion floridensis
Darapsa choerilus
Darapsa myron
Darapsa versicolor
Deidama inscriptum
Hyles gallii
Hyles lineata
Proserpinus flavofasciata
Sphecodina abbottii

Pink-spotted Hawkmoth
Elm Sphinx or Four-horned Sphinx
Catalpa Sphinx
Waved Sphinx
Pawpaw Sphinx
Northern Pine Sphinx
Southern Pine Sphinx
Five-spotted hawkmoth
Rustic Sphinx
Canadian Sphinx
Northern Ash Sphinx or Great Ash Sphinx
Wild Cherry Sphinx
Hermit sphinx
Laurel Sphinx
Canadian Sphinx
Poecila Sphinx

Walnut sphinx
Poplar Sphinx or Modest Sphinx
Huckleberry Sphinx
Blinded Sphinx
Small-eyed Sphinx
Twin-spotted Sphinx
Cerisyi's sphinx

Titan Sphinx or White banded day sphinx
Hummingbird Clearwing
Slender Clearwing or Graceful Clearwing
Snowberry Clearwing or Bumblebee Moth

Achemon Sphinx
Gaudy Sphinx
Pandorus Sphinx

Nessus Sphinx
Azalea Sphinx pholus
Virginia Creeper or Grapevine Sphinx
Hydrangea Sphinx
Lettered Sphinx
Bedstraw Hawk Moth or Gallium Sphinx
White-lined Sphinx
Yellow-banded sphinx
Abbott's Sphinx

Individual county checklists (adult moths): Counties will be completed as sightings arrive. Currently only those in red are active.






Eumorpha pandorus fifth instar, Portland, Cumberland County, Maine,
September 2, 2008, courtresy of Cathy McKenney.

Individual county checklists (caterpillars): Counties will be completed as sightings arrive. Currently only those in red are active.






David Reed sent me an image of a Sphinx kalmiae larva, Popham Beech State Park in Phippsburg, Sagadahoc County, observed on August 3, 2005.
Phil Stack from Hampden, Maine, reports a Sphecodina abbottii larva sighting, August 4, 2005

Matthew Arey reports Hemaris thysbe and Proserpinus flavosfasciata from Washington County, July 3-8, 2006.

At his black light (Washington County 2006) Matthew encountered Big Poplar Sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta) - 12 +; Cerisy's Sphinx (Smerinthus cerisyi) - 7; Blinded Sphinx (Paonias exacaecata) - 20 +; Twin Spot Sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis) - 12 +; Small Eyed Sphinx (Paonias myops) - 15; Northern Apple Sphinx (Sphinx poecila) - 18; Canadian Sphinx (Sphinx canadensis) - 2; Laurel Sphinx (Sphinx kalmiae) - 5; Azalea Sphinx (Darapsa choerilus) - 1; Waved Sphinx (Ceratomia undulosa) - 4.

In previous years in Washington County, Matthew has observed Galium Sphinx (Hyles gallii intermedia) - August, 2005; Northern Pine Sphinx (Lapara bombycoides) - July, 2002 / July, 2003; Pawpaw Sphinx (Dolba hyloeus) - July, 2003; Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) - August, 2002.

Matthew has also provided data for Cumberland and York Counties. See the individual county files for data.

Enjoy some of nature's wonderments, giant silk moth cocoons. These cocoons are for sale winter and fall. Beautiful Saturniidae moths will emerge the following spring and summer. Read Actias luna rearing article. Additional online help available.

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This page is brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS. Pages are on space rented from Bizland. If you would like to become a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site", contact Bill.

Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.

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