Updated as per James P. Tuttle's The Hawk Moths of North America, August 18, 2008

The Sphingidae of Maryland

The Achemon Sphinx, Eumorpha achemon courtesy of T. W. Davies.

Click on one of the Scientific names to see images and access information. N.B., the files are not linked back to this page. To return to this index, simply use your browser back button.

Please help me improve this site by sending sighting data (species; location [county]; date) to Bill Oehlke. Images are also greatly appreciated and will be used and credited (with permission) on county pages. I will attempt to identify any Sphingidae larvae or adults that are unknown to you.

Thanks to Mike Soukup for noting I had omitted Manduca sexta and Darapsa versicolor from the list. Mike writes, "The only thing I have caught here that is not on your list is Manduca sexta - and it is very common.

"I get A. cingulata almost every fall as it migrates up - but I doubt that it breeds here. I also know Darpsa versicolor HAS to be here....I've just never found it (yet) - but I will!!!!"

Sphinginae subfamily

Sphingini tribe:

Agrius cingulata XSE breeding
Ceratomia amyntor T
Ceratomia catalpae T
Ceratomia undulosa T
Dolba hyloeus T
Lapara bombycoides NW
Lapara coniferarum T
Lintneria eremitus T
Manduca jasminearum T
Manduca quinquemaculatus Twwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Manduca sexta T
Paratrea plebeja T
Sphinx chersis T
Sphinx drupiferarum T
Sphinx francki T
Sophinx gordius T
Sphinx kalmiae T

Smerinthini Tribe:

Amorpha juglandis T
Pachysphinx modesta NW
Paonias astylus T
Paonias excaecata T
Paonias myops T
Smerinthus jamaicensis T

Macroglossinae subfamily

Dilophonotini tribe:mm

Hemaris diffinis T
Hemaris gracilis T
Hemaris thysbe T

Philampelini tribe:mm

Eumorpha achemon T
Eumorpha fasciatus S
Eumorpha pandorus T

Macroglossini tribe:

Amphion floridensis T
Darapsa choerilus T
Darapsa myron T
Darapsa versicolor T
Deidamia inscriptum T
Hyles lineata T
Sphecodina abbottii T
Xylophanes tersa E 2/3

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Agrius cingulata migrant
Ceratomia amyntor
Ceratomia catalpae
Ceratomia undulosa
Dolba hyloeus
Lapara bombycoides
Lapara coniferarum
Lintneria eremitus
Manduca jasminearum
Manduca quinquemaculatusw
Manduca sexta
Paratrea plebeja
Sphinx chersis
Sphinx drupiferarum
Sphinx franckii
Sphinx gordius
Sphinx kalmiae

Amorpha juglandis
Pachysphinx modesta
Paonias astylus
Paonias excaecata
Paonias myops
Smerinthus jamaicensis

Hemaris thysbe
Hemaris diffinis
Hemaris gracilis

Eumorpha achemon
Eumorpha fasciatus
Eumorpha pandorus

Amphion floridensis
Darapsa choerilus
Darapsa myron
Darapsa versicolor
Deidamia inscriptum
Hyles lineata
Sphecodina abbottii
Xylophanes tersa

Pink-spotted Hawkmoth
Elm Sphinx or Four-horned Sphinx
Catalpa Sphinx
Waved Sphinx
Pawpaw Sphinx
Northern Pine Sphinx
Southern Pine Sphinx
Hermit sphinx
Ash Sphinx
Five-spotted hawkmoth
Carolina Sphinx
Plebeian sphinx
Northern Ash Sphinx or Great Ash Sphinx
Wild Cherry Sphinx
Franck's Sphinx
Apple Sphinx
Laurel Sphinx

Walnut sphinx
Poplar Sphinx or Modest Sphinx
Huckleberry Sphinx
Blinded Sphinx
Small-eyed Sphinx
Twin-spotted Sphinx

Hummingbird Clearwing
Snowberry Clearwing or Bumblebee Moth
Graceful Cklearwing

Achemon Sphinx
Banded sphinx
Pandorus Sphinx

Nessus Sphinx
Azalea Sphinx pholus
Virginia Creeper or Grapevine Sphinx
Hydrangea Sphinx
Lettered Sphinx
White-lined Sphinx
Abbott's Sphinx
Tersa Sphinx

Mike Soukup reports Agrius cingulata from Anne Arundel County, October 9, 2003.

Eumorpha pandorus, 17 July 2006, Middle River, Maryland just east of Baltimore,
courtesy of Carl F. Guerci Jr.

Amorpha juglandis, July 29, 2007, Hereford/Parkton, Baltimore County, Maryland,
courtesy of Meredith King.

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This page is brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS. Pages are on space rented from Bizland. If you would like to become a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site", contact Bill.

Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.

Individual county checklists: Counties will be completed as sightings arrive. Currently only those in red are active.

Prince George's

Anne Arundel
Queen Anne's



St. Mary's

Eumorpha fasciatus, Snow Hill, Worcester County, Maryland,
November 2, 2007, courtesy of Ron Wilson.

Individual county checklists (larvae: Counties will be completed as sightings arrive. Currently only those in red are active.

Prince George's

Anne Arundel
Queen Anne's



St. Mary's

This website has been created and is maintained by Bill Oehlke without government or institutional financial assistance. All expenses, ie., text reference support material, webspace rental from Bizland, computer repairs/replacements, backups systems, software for image adjustments (Adobe Photoshop; L-View), ftp software, anti-virus protection, scanner, etc. are my own.

I very much appreciate all the many images that have been sent to me, or of which I have been granted permission to copy and post from other websites. All images on this site remain the property of respective photographers.

If you would like to contribute to the maintenace of this website by sending a contribution to

Bill Oehlke
Box 476
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A1R0

your donation would be much appreciated and would be used for
1) paying for webspace rental;
2) paying for computer maintenance and software upgrades;
3) purchases of additional text reference material (journals and books) in anticipation of expanding the site to a worldwide Sphingidae site;
4) helping to pay my daughter's tuition; with anything left over going to humanitarian aid.

If you are mailing a check from USA, please use $0.85 postage. Donations can also be made through Paypal via the button below.

Larry Line data:

Howard County:

Agrius cingulata
Ceratomia catalpae August 15th; July 15th
Ceratomia undulosa June 13; 19th
Manduca sexta
Sphinx kalmiae June 28th; August 10th
Smerinthus jamaicensis August 4th, 2004
Paonias excaecata 25th to 30th of July
Paonias myops June 10, 2003
Amorpha juglandis June 11th to the 15th
Hemaris thysbe July 19th to August 3rd
Hemaris diffinis April 2nd to September 5th
Eumorpha pandorus July 10th to the 19th
Sphecodina abbottii May 9-19
Amphion floridensis June 9
Deidamia inscriptum April 24
Darapsa myron June 6
Darapsa choerilus June 8 and August 2nd

Alleghany County:

Ceratomia amyntor larva was taken July 25th, 1978 from LaVale
Manduca jasminearum, July 15th, 1991 from the Green Ridge State Forest
Sphinx francki July 9th, 2001 from the Warrior Mtn. WMA

Wicomico County:

Paratrea plebeja August 16th, 1984 from Salisbury, August 20th @ H. Common in the Coastal Plain, not recorded west of the Piedmont.

Garrett County:

Sphinx eremitus August 12th, 1985 from the Big Run State Park
Sphinx gordius June 13th, 1988 from the Glades

Baltimore County:

Lapara coniferarum July 25th, 2003 from the Pretty Boy Reservoir

Worcester County:

Lapara bombycoides July 28th, 1998 from the Pocomoke State Forest

Somerset County:

Paonias astylus June 17th, 1993 from Deal Island WMA,
Carroll County:

Eumorpha achemon Hampstead, Caroll County

Calvert County:

Hyles lineata September 2nd, 1980 2 miles west of Chaneville