Sphingidae of Costa Rica

Amphimoea walkeri courtesy of Paolo Mazzei.

Although I believe these "tribal" checklists contain only species within Costa Rica, there may be omissions. Special thanks goes to Dan Janzen who has given me permission to resize and use his many images. This checklist also comes from his work.


Thanks also to Tony James who has sent images and data from his travels in Costa Rica.

Tony writes, "We were in Costa Rica between 12th and 26th September 2008, and spent most of our time at a tourist hotel (Grande Papagayo) near Panamá on the north-west coast of the Tamarindo Peninsula. On the 22nd September we took a Jeep to Arenal for 2 nights, staying at the Arenal Lodge Hotel.

At the Grande Papagayo Hotel, our room was under trees (see GP Environment pic), and we ran a small net and UV trap on our veranda there for 9 nights (see GP Trap) bringing in over 90 species of moths, of which 3 species were members of the Sphingidae. These were:"

Nyceryx riscus, Grande Papagayo, Nicoya Peninsula, Guanacaste, Costa Rica,
September 17-20, 2008, courtesy of Pat and Tony James.

Xylophanes porcus, Grande Papagayo, Nicoya Peninsula, Guanacaste, Costa Rica,
September 15-17, 2008, courtesy of Pat and Tony James, id confirmed by Bill Oehlke.

Manduca barnesi, Grande Papagayo, Nicoya Peninsula, Guanacaste, Costa Rica,
September 13, 2008, courtesy of Pat and Tony James, id confirmed by Bill Oehlke.

Many thanks also to Jim Sogaard for his discovery of Orecta venedictoffae in Costa Rica.

Cameron Prybol sends this beautiful image of Nyceryx tacita from San Luis, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

Nyceryx tacita, San Luis, Puntarenas, Costa Rica,
June 26, 2012, courtesy of Cameron Prybol, id by Bill Oehlke.

If you have corrections to offer, please contact
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com.


Agrius cingulata
Amphimoea walkeri
Cocytius antaeus
Cocytius beelzebuth
Cocytius duponchel
Cocytius lucifer
Dolbogene igualana
Manduca albiplaga
Manduca barnesi TJ
Manduca corallina
Manduca dalica
Manduca dilucida
Manduca florestan
Manduca hannibal
Manduca lanuginosa
Manduca lefeburii
Manduca muscosa
Manduca occulta
Manduca ochus
Manduca opima
Manduca pellenia
Manduca rustica
Manduca schausi
Manduca sexta
Neococytius cluentius
Sphinx biolleyi ?
extinct in Costa Rica ?

Sphinx merops


Adhemarius daphne
Adhemarius dariensis
Adhem. fulvescens
Adhemarius gannascus
form interrupta TJ
Adhemarius palmeri
Adhemarius ypsilon
Ore. venedictoffae JS
Protambulyx eurycles
Protambulyx goeldii
Protambulyx strigilis


Aellopos ceculus
Aellopos clavipes
Aellopos fadus
Aellopos titan
Aleuron carinata
Aleuron chloroptera
Aleuron iphis
Aleuron neglectum
Callionima denticulata
Callionima falcifera
Callionima inuus
Callionima nomius
Callionima pan
Callionima parce
Enyo cavifer
Enyo gorgon
Enyo lugubris
Enyo ocypete
Enyo taedium
Erinnyis alope
Erinnyis crameri
Erinnyis domingonis
Erinnyis ello
Erinnyis lassauxii
Erinnyis obscura
Erinnyis oenotrus
Erinnyis yucatana
Eupyrr. sagra
Hemeroplanes ornatus
Hemero. triptolemus
Isognathus caricae
Isognathus rimosa
Isognathus scyron
Kloneus babayaga
Madoryx bubastus
Madoryx oiclus
Madoryx plutonius
Nyceryx coffaeae
Nyceryx ericea
Nyceryx eximia
Nyceryx magna
Nyceryx riscus TJ
Nyceryx stuarti
Nyceryx tacita
Oryba achemenides
Oryba kadeni
Pachyg. caliginosa
not confirmed in CR

Pachygonidia drucei
Pachygonidia hopfferi
Pachygonidia ribbei
Pachygonidia subhamata
Pachylia darceta
Pachylia ficus
Pachylia syces
Pachylio. resumens TJ
Perigonia ilus
Perigonia lusca
Perigonia stulta
Phryxus caicus
Pseudosphinx tetrio
Stolidoptera tachasara
Unzela japix
Unzela pronoe


Eum. anchemolus
Eumorpha capronnieri
Eumorpha fasciatus
Eumorpha labruscae
Eumorpha megaeacus
Eumorpha obliquus
Eumorpha phorbas
Eumorpha satellitia
Eum. triangulum TJ
Eumorpha vitis


Cautethia spuria
Cautethia yucatana
Hyles lineata
Xylophanes acrus
Xylophanes adalia
Xylophanes anubus
Xylophanes belti
X. ceratomioides
Xylophanes chiron
Xylophanes crotonis
Xylophanes cyrene
Xylophanes germen
Xylophanes godmani
Xylophanes guianensis
Xyloph. hannemanni
Xylophanes jordani
Xylophanes juanita
Xyl. letiranti
Xylophanes libya
Xylophanes loelia
Xylophanes maculator
Xyloph. neoptolemus
Xylophanes pistacina
Xylophanes pluto
Xyloph. porcus TJ
Xylophanes rhodina
Xyloph. staudingeri
Xylophanes tersa
Xylophanes thyelia
Xylophanes titana
Xylophanes turbata
Xylophanes tyndarus
Xylophanes undata
Xylophanes zurcheri

Madoryx plutonius, Costa Rica, courtesy of Amy Lowell.

Eumorpha triangulum, Arenal Lodge Hotel, Alejuela, Costa Rica,
September 22, 2008, courtesy of Pat and Tony James, id confirmed by Bill Oehlke.

I have identified the Eumorpha specimen, directly above, as E. triangulum based on the dark trapezoidal patch emanating from the costa just prior to the apex. In E. triangulum this patch continues into the next intraneural segment while in the very similar E. anchemolus the same area remains a trapezoid without the "tailed" extension into the next section. E. triangulum is noted by Dan Janzen as a rain forest/cloud forest species, and the higher altitude that would be experienced at the Arenal Lodge is probably more to the liking of E. triangulum as compared to E. anchemolus.

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